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Why Network Marketing and Women Are Made for Each Other

Women play a prominent role in network marketing with no glass ceilings. Over 85% of direct sellers were women in 2010, and their leadership continues. Women excel in networking, nurturing, and balancing family. They have the freedom to build successful businesses from home. It’s time for more women to realize their potential in network marketing.

Having spent nearly two decades in the Network Marketing industry, we know something about it. One thing that goes without saying is that the role of women in network marketing has been of great prominence from the very start. Also, networking was one of the early pioneers of being an industry with no glass ceilings for women! Women can reach as high as they want, and there’s no holding them back when achieving success rivaled by no one.

In 2010, the Direct Selling Association (DSA) released a report stating clearly how more than 85% of direct sellers were women at that time. Since then, we’ve certainly had more men joining the game. However, the role of women in the industry has not diminished one bit, to say the least.

Women are still leading network marketing from the front and will continue to do so. Why? Well, for starters, women are hardwired to network and therefore have this natural tendency to make the most of opportunities that allow them to help and empower others. Network Marketing is THE industry when it comes to such an opportunity!

There’s no doubt that women are also more talented than men when it comes to nurturing instinct, and their ability to put another person’s needs before their own is simply on another level. They are great, natural listeners, making it easier for them to reach out to a larger group of people in no time. All these traits make the Network Marketing industry a perfect choice for women who struggle to build their careers in other traditional lines of work.

Women are their own bosses as direct sellers and have the fantastic opportunity of building a real business from within the confines of their homes without leaving their families behind even for the slightest bit. It’s time that more and more women start to realize their great potential in the Network Marketing industry, that they’re just made for each other!

We have had the great joy of knowing so many women who have made their mark in the world of direct selling, and we are incredibly proud to be living in a world where women, irrespective of their background, have this freedom to choose a profession that can be built around their family.

The MLM Report strongly believes that the growing attempts to hush debate, stifle news, and remove information from any public domain must be thwarted at all times and that all independent media that are free of influence by government or corporate interests are one of the best, if not the only, means of keeping the honest discussions alive today. As a part of that, we welcome contributions from anyone on topics ranging from a general interest in network marketing to major inside scoops of what is happening in your network marketing company; feel free to submit your article with us. We promise to publish them as long as they meet our publishing guidelines, no matter how controversial they might be.

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