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Hello Everyone,
Before anything else, let us introduce ourselves in this dark time for the Network Marketing industry.
We are a group of independent distributors who have worked and developed for more than three years our networking activity within the company Natura4Ever, a Luxembourg company located at 35 rue J-F KENNEDY in STEINSEL and which is also a permanent member of the FVD (French Federation of Direct Sales).
Today, we seek justice directly from the FVD through Mr. Jacques COSNEFROY. The FVD, which for us, is and will remain the guardian and the guarantor of the ethics, the morality, and the rules of ethics of this magnificent industry that is network marketing.
We also address the long list of all injured, disgraced, and humiliated Natura4Ever distributors.
Dear Distributors,
Natura4Ever being a member of the FVD, we would like to express our thanks to Mr. Jacques COSNEFROY, the FVD’s Delegate General, his representative, and his spokesman, for the trust, support, and help given to the entire industry of network marketing in France.

Jacques Cosnefroy, FVD
Being a member of the FVD is a pledge of seriousness and respect for the rigorous rules of the code of ethics and the ethics of direct selling. Promoting direct sales and its trades at the national level, as in every French region, is the primary vocation of the FVD.
The FVD guarantees the fundamental values of direct selling and their respect for all its members. The FVD also has a unique mission: to oversee the development of member companies, of which Natura4Ever is a part.
However, we now possess irrefutable evidence that this company, Natura4Ever, was never what it claims to be and that its so-called “noble” mission serves as a front for a group of very well-known criminals.
Know that what we will reveal to you is the strict truth, and at every step, we will present you with the proofs that will leave you in no doubt.
At the helm of Natura4Ever is a shareholder condemned by the French Justice, the actual founder of Natura4Ever, a criminal named JEAN GODZICH.
Who is Jean Godzich: former founder of GEPM, aka the European Group of Professionals in Marketing, the company classified as one of the early pyramid schemes that went bankrupt in 1995.

Jean Godzich
Jean Godzich is a criminal doubly sentenced to firm prison without appeal.
Eric Masson, the current puppet leader of Natura4Ever, has the mission to develop Natura4Ever under the cover and direction of his mentor and boss, Jean Godzich.
The story began in 2014.

Eric Masson
Eric Masson and Jean Godzich were in negotiation with an Israeli company called S……T. After a few weeks of discussions, the said society would have refused a partnership, given the sulfurous past of Jean Godzich. The two friends decided, together, to create a new legal entity, not in France, but in Luxembourg (we understand why), to attack the French market.
Eric Masson deliberately lied to the FVD so that Natura4Ever would be admitted as a permanent member of the FVD. It has hidden the true identity of the founding shareholder of Natura4Ever and has built Natura4Ever’s reputation on the blatant lie, putting its distributors and their families at risk, opening the door to the wrongdoer, and preparing the company for a possible bankruptcy on the same lines as that of GEPM.
We will prove it.
We decided to bring these facts to the attention of the FVD because, on the one hand, we can not ignore them as it would be immoral and almost criminal, and on the other hand, according to some distributors active today in Natura4Ever, alarming facts that take place in this company continue to accumulate month after month.
The great speech of Eric Masson, the Chairman of Natura4Ever, who changes his titles as he wishes, wants to be more credible in the eyes of his clients and distributors. We have multiple facts which demonstrate unequivocally that Natura4Ever became THE toy in the hands of an unscrupulous criminal who was at the origin of the GEPM and who, guided by his unhealthy ambitions, created Natura4Ever with the one and only goal of making it the GEPM BIS.
It is clear that the values declared by Natura4Ever are respected only on paper when, every day, its distributors are confronted with facts, declarations, and official actions proving the opposite; aggravate.
All his actions on behalf of Jean Godzich and Eric Masson push us to act with firmness. So we decided to make them official and public. These criminal acts committed by notorious bandits must stop immediately for the good of everyone.
Constant changes contrary to official declarations, changes of the strategies by Godzich and Masson, suspensions of accounts of independent distributors without any warning or plausible reason, misappropriation of funds, bribes, theft, and displacement of network structures to favor former GEPM leaders, commissions and cars leased to certain distributors chosen by Godzich and Masson, not based on their success and involvement in Natura4Ever, but on the fact that they are alumni of the GEPM and in the tiny shoes of two leaders ….. and all this carefully hidden. According to our sources, all this continues to this day.
Judge for yourself.
These outrageous acts, which are always of the exact nature for many years, are sadly more and more numerous.
The hypocrisy of Godzich and the misrepresentations of Eric Masson and Jean-Michel Larré, the people who call themselves directors of the company, hiding the identity of the real boss, lead to the permanent dysfunction of Natura4ever, contribute to the lower compensations of independent distributors, not to mention the loss of trust.
We are firmly committed to stopping this kind of illegal practice and the exercise of power that goes against all ethical rules. In our country, we remind you that they reign two slogans: transparency and democracy.
If the “managers” of this society who make the rain and the good weather are bound by the pact of silence or instead by the CLAUSES OF CONFIDENTIALITY, which you will discover below, we will allow, in our turn, to act to the public, the press and through some major social networks as well as the competent judicial authorities.
Now, judge for yourself; here is the evidence.
We are today in possession of documents that prove unequivocally that the company Natura4Ever was founded and actually belongs to Jean GODZICH, former founder of the European Group of Marketing Professionals (GEPM), created in 1987 and based in the time in Fleury-sur-Andelle (Eure), near Rouen.
Eric Masson was one of Jean Godzich’s “Diamond” leaders.
Jean Godzich founded Natura4Ever with Eric Masson.
Jean Godzich remains to this day the invisible shareholder of Natura4Ever by exerting the power of management, communication, and decision via, for example, the meetings of the Elite Committee, formed by the former leaders of GEMP and who have, themselves, the same, benefited from profitable investments by moving entire network structures for the sole purpose of presenting themselves as the Natura4Ever Diamonds.
We will prove by audio and video recordings that Eric Masson deliberately lied to the FVD regarding the management of Jean Godzich within Natura4Ever and that Jean Godzich continues to be actively involved in the development of Natura4Ever through Eric Masson.
Here are some facts about this unofficial leader.
Jean Godzich, of Polish origin, is a French naturalized American businessman. He founded the GEPM in 1987, a public limited company with a capital of 10 million francs that distributed cleaning products, ties, insecticides, bras, and necessities. The GEPM became a trading empire of 900 million francs.
In the same year, Jean Godzich was expelled from a well-known international network company, where he was a Diamond distributor, because of significant ethical issues and differences.
In 1995, before going bankrupt, the GEPM sponsored a team of professional cyclists on the advice of a former amateur cyclist, Eric Masson, who, we remind you, became the chief executive of the company founded by Jean Godzich, Natura4ever. For example, Luc Leblanc signed his contract a few days before becoming world champion. He even recorded a video message boasting of humanism and other qualities of the heart of Jean Godzich, president-founder of GEPM.
Luc Leblanc is part of Natura4Ever today; he is paid by Godzich and Masson, and he also has a Natura4Ever car paid for by the company, even if its results in terms of development are almost zero.
ADFI (Association for the Defense of the Family and Individuals), which helps and defends the victims of mental manipulation, considered Godzich, Masson, and the GEPM the second subject of concern after the Church of Scientology. Jean-Pierre Bousquet, Vice-President of the ADFI, spoke about the “sectarian characteristics” of Godzich and the GEPM. There are scores of testimonies that Godzich, Masson, and their leaders at the GEPM contained most of the ingredients of religious and sectarian practice, with a guru who bewitched his troops at gatherings, during which such ceremonies were celebrated wherein mental manipulation was done.
In addition, multiple testimonies and statements exist of distributors who felt they had been victims and who had complained to the Civic Union of Socialist Women (UFCS). A socialist from the Rhône had even written to the URSSAF to warn that Godzich, Masson, and the leaders of the GEPM (who are represented today at Natura4Ever) recruited young people without official payroll and that this entity was mainly beyond the legal, commercial framework and was more related to a sect with its methods of functioning. The case was led by the director general of the repression of frauds. The UFCS has even filed a complaint with the High Court of Evreux, with overwhelming evidence about many salesmen scammed.
During a hearing before the Tribunal de Grande Instance in Caen, Father Jacques Troulard, a specialist in cults within the Catholic Church, said he found in the methods of the group the traits that are found in dangerous cults. Moreover, a circular of the rectorate of Caen warned the principals against the recruitment of pupils at the exit of the high schools. Godzich and Confreres filed a lawsuit with loss and crash in 1993 against ADFI. The last CEO enlisted by Godzich was indicted on complaints from a consumer association and several former distributors.
In 1995, after a search of the gendarmes at the head office of Fleury-sur-Andelle, the GEPM became a Cedipac company. Its CEO, Lionel Charles, former president of the GEPM, announced his intention to liquidate all the companies related to the GEPM and stop the multi-level sale from acting as a single central purchasing. He also claimed that the government and banks have forced him to eliminate Jean Godzich from the Board because of the fierceness of the media driven by the sponsorship of Luc Leblanc, an eagerness that had reduced by 60% the activity of the group. The company Cedipac filed for bankruptcy the same year, and Lionel Charles was indicted for violation of the regulations on pyramid selling.
Three French executives of the ex-GEPM were prosecuted for complicity and were sentenced to 8 months to 2 years in prison, as well as to fines ranging from 10,000 to 80,000 euros.
The GEPM filed for bankruptcy in November 1995, its losses amounted to 37 million in the year, and there remained less than 1200 distributors.
Eric Masson and all the leaders of the GEPM were controlled by the French tax authorities, and all have, without exception, been punished for tax evasion.
We remind you that the law of June 23, 1989, forbids proposing to a person to collect memberships or to join a list hoping for financial gains resulting from a geometric progression of the number of people recruited or registered. On November 15, 1993, the Senate adopted an amendment to the draft law on commercial practices, which aimed to hinder the development of so-called pyramid selling. Today, only so-called multi-level direct selling is legal.
At the time, Godzich and the GEPM were never admitted to the Direct Selling Union. The GEPM has been described as a snowball and fraudulent pyramid system, therefore prohibited by law.
Since 2007, an international arrest warrant has been issued against Jean Godzich, who has been sentenced to 3 years in prison in France and a fine of 500,000 euros for illegally transferring approximately 6 million dollars of the social funds of GEPM to the United States prior to his declaration of bankruptcy by a civil court.
Two international arrest warrants were issued against Jean Godzich, the first on December 14, 2000, and the second on October 17, 2006. In 2006, Jean Godzich was sentenced by the Criminal Court of Evreux to 3 years in prison, 500,000 euros fine, and 20 million euros in damages. A sentence that has never been executed because Jean Godzich has never been able to leave his American cell.
In June 2016, Jean Godzich, aged 66, was prosecuted for misuse of corporate assets, bankruptcy with misappropriation or concealment of all or part of the assets, concealment of property resulting from bankruptcy and forgery, abuse of property or credit of a corporation by an officer for personal purposes and fraudulent alteration of the truth in writing. He was arrested at an airport in France. He was judged and sentenced to 2 years in prison in January 2017, including a year in suspension and a 150,000 euros fine by the Criminal Court of Evreux.
Jean Godzich was imprisoned in France in June 2016.
He did not appeal, but he learned from his mistakes. We are convinced today that he went to the French justice only to stay in France and to manage Natura4Ever operations from France.
Eric Masson and Jean Godzich have deceived the FVD so that Natura4Ever becomes a permanent member to continue conducting their clandestine business with Jean Godzich.
We will now show you the evidence that Jean Godzich is the true leader of Natura4Ever.
According to Eric Masson, Natura4Ever has preferred to make a clean sweep of his past, which he has stated in numerous interviews with the FVD, claiming to have separated from Jean Godzich.
Eric Masson has simply lied for many years to the FVD.
According to some sources: John Godzich, aka Jean Godzich, is now involved with Eric Masson (also an old A… and GEPM Member). They are both owners of a new MLM company Natura4ever. Of course, Mr. Godzich is a “hidden” partner of Natura4Ever. Mr. Godzich did not go to prison for 3 years.
Natura4Ever, founded by Jean Godzich, chose Eric Masson as chairman of its Board, undoubtedly to take advantage of its direct links with former leaders of the GEPM.
LYASSA LLC is a screening or shell company owned by Jean Godzich, Eric Masson, and other leaders. This company is registered in Delaware, United States.
(By the way, he created the Natura4Ever logo.)
This criminal runs the Natura4Ever network secretly, Eric Masson being his faithful sidekick. Together, they adopt strategies, decide who, what, where, and how, and even worse, take action against even the most basic rules regarding ethics, finances, and management.
We are told about the FVD, sports teams, and at the same time, entire networks are stolen. Masson and Godzich decide to suspend accounts by punishing honest distributors while the actual criminals of society act safely, without fear of their unfair and criminal actions.
This must stop.
The same source said:
“Natura4Ever seems to work similarly, especially since Godzich is there, even if he stays hidden. Besides, it does not surprise me that society is based in Luxembourg.”
We remind you that in January 2017, Jean Godzich was sentenced to 2 years in prison, including a suspended sentence. What was he doing during this year in suspension and after that?
Well, he led the first meeting of the Committee of Elites on November 23, 2017, at 10:36 at the following address: 67, rue du Dijon, 21910 SAULON-LA-RUE (
All the leaders at this meeting signed a confidentiality agreement (find a copy below): the document was written by Eric Masson and Jean-Michel Larré.
And here are some exchanges of emails confirming the meetings between Jean-Michel Larré, Eric Masson, and Jean Godzich.

The email exchange between Jean-Michel Larré, Eric Masson, and Jean Godzich.

The confidentiality agreement
Among the leaders present were:
Eric Masson, on the right in the photo.
All former leaders of GEPM, close to Eric Masson and Jean Godzich.
Alain Monoury

Alain Monoury
Alex Blonbou

Alex Blonbou
Michel Bodin

Michel Bodin
All of these leaders, including Alex Blonbou, a part-time doctor at Natura4ever, running his clinic in Paris, received their DIAMOND qualification thanks to the generous gesture of the founders of Natura4Ever, Jean Godzich and Eric Masson, who flew and moved the entire branches belonging to other distributors, to ensure the balance of structures and high checks for their favorite leaders. Alex Blonbou, for example, was qualified DIAMOND only once during the whole existence of Natura4Ever, Michel Bodin only 3 times in 5 years; but Godzich and Masson promote these people as Diamonds of Natura4Ever. Another scandal, stifled by the leaders of Natura4Ever for the umpteenth time.
Let’s go back to this famous meeting: please watch and listen to some of Jean Godzich’s audio and video messages in person during and after the meeting of the Elite Committee. Jean Godzich talks about Natura4Ever and its products.
Get ready: Eric Masson admits he deliberately lied to the FVD in his audio message.
And here are some groups created on WhatsApp with the names in question; look at the dates.
Subject: Precautionary Measures
Date: Mon, December 12, 2016, 15:41:39 +0100
From: Jean-Michel LARRE
For: John Godzich
Copy to: Eric Masson
Hi John,
We were delighted to see you on Saturday in great shape. It is certain that the ordeal that you experienced is not an easy thing to live, but now it belongs to the past, and you will be able in a few times to enjoy total freedom of movement. Following our meeting and throughout this weekend with Eric, we thought a lot about your situation and the impact it can have on Natura4Ever’s image.
Indeed, we have built together a beautiful society that evolves month after month. The distributors we meet are proud to belong to this beautiful company and thank us personally every time for creating it for them. It has become their baby indirectly, it’s their business, and we must not destroy or taint this beautiful image.
Currently, you are under house arrest, and you have been sentenced to several months in prison, fines, and damages. Everyone can see that your name appears in articles, on websites that it is in France or in the USA, and which mentions your condemnation. In your interest, that of the distributors and Natura4Ever, it is clear that you can not appear anymore as a distributor.
There are surely malicious people who only try to get us down.
A successful company is still bothering, especially in France. I hope you understand our situation; I know that for someone like you, staying in the shadows is not easy, but we must be very vigilant. Eric has already lost a lot with NL. Eric and I, as a director of the company, have responsibilities, we have invested a lot of time and money, and we will protect Natura4Ever because we do not want the story repeats itself. Personally, I will do everything to protect our interests. I do not want, and I suppose you do not, that Eric knows again the failures and betrayals that he has known but that he takes full advantage of his success for the rest of his life without needing to restart. I also want to protect my interests and those of our families because we have personally taken sureties.
We must not take any chances.
So here’s what we need to do:
- change the name of your company (with a company in which you do not appear, so we will have to provide the RCS record).
- make a transfer of contract to this new company.
- do not make any recognition of this company.
- remove groups on WhatsApp, but before you get out, do not forget to change the identity so that there are no questions.
- do not communicate with the network.
- you can create a group with your direct referrals.
- tell your direct referrals not to quote you.
- not be present in all Natura4Ever events.
- do not do webinars for Natura4Ever. Even if you create a consulting company, N4E can not use your services.
- your direct referrals can contact you for advice, but this must remain their own initiative.
These are precautionary measures for the good of all.
Good to you.
Jean-Michel LARRE
+352 621 752 459
Finally, we would like to bring to light another fact, no less worrying:
Know that one of the shareholders for 5% of the capital and member for several years of the management of Natura4Ever, called LOUIS Rémy Raymond Rodolphe, was sentenced by the tribunal de grande instance of Paris to 3 years in prison for fraud in France.
Mr. LOUIS Rémy, with various associates and members of his family, is the founder of fraudulent companies: PHBC Invest SA, 134, rue Adolphe Fischer, Luxembourg, and PHBC International SA, 134, rue Adolphe Fischer, Luxembourg (always Luxembourg).
Mr. Rémy LOUIS has robbed several thousand victims in France, Luxembourg, and Switzerland of more than 30 million euros by selling them fictitious investments and products.
He was sentenced by the Tribunal de Grande Instance in Paris to 30 months imprisonment for aggravated money laundering by a competition-organized gang (read the conviction of the TGI of Paris, as well as some extracts from all the documents in our possession, below).
As a further penalty against Rémy Louis and others, the court ordered the confiscation of all their property, funds, and bank accounts held in various European countries. PHBC, which was the subject of an alert in 2007 from the Financial Sector Supervisory Commission due to the exercise of a financial sector activity without authorization, then legal proceedings in France and Luxembourg, was liquidated by the courts in 2015.
It appears, therefore, that the suspicions concerning the possible involvement of LOUIS Rémy Raymond Rodolphe have activities leading to criminal prosecution are justified; more than 40 savers have filed a complaint in Paris for fraud against his financial company PHBC, based in France and Luxembourg, which had high returns if its investors became shareholders. Dividends were not paid. The CSSF has warned the public of the activities of these companies under Luxembourg law by issuing an alert and advising persons who have been wronged to lodge a complaint with the public prosecutor’s office of the District Court of Luxembourg. According to the information available to the CSSF, these companies offer a public offering, despite having the ongoing investigation conducted by the specialized inter-regional jurisdiction of Paris, which deals with organized crime cases, is currently examining the complementary activities of the members of this group.
A dozen people are at the head of this scam, all known by the service of representation of frauds.
Some are part of the Natura4Ever network, and we are unsure if their accounts are blocked. Mr. Rémy LOUIS is still a shareholder in Natura4Ever, which has not taken any action in his case.
Mr. Rémy LOUIS and others appealed the decision of the High Court issued in March 2017, but there’s no doubt that the decision of the TGI of Paris will be endorsed.
Given the severe prejudice to the interests of shareholders, distributors, and customers of Natura4Ever, and the existence of conduct contrary to the Code of Conduct of the company, we allow ourselves to launch this alert to Natura4Ever distributors, first, then with the French and Luxembourg population, but also with the French Federation of Direct Selling (FVD) and the national press, following the list stipulated herewith. This message will also be communicated on some social networks.
Press List:
20 Minutes
Direct Morning National
The Parisian
Today in France
The World
The Figaro
Direct Evening
The Released Dauphine
The Humanity
The Express
The Tribune
The Point
The Progress
The Voice of the North
The Echoes
The Dispatch Group
Le Populaire
Courrier International
The MLM Report
The MLM Report strongly believes that the growing attempts to hush debate, stifle news, and remove information from any public domain must be thwarted at all times and that all independent media that are free of influence by government or corporate interests are one of the best, if not the only, means of keeping the honest discussions alive today. As a part of that, we welcome contributions from anyone on topics ranging from a general interest in network marketing to major inside scoops of what is happening in your network marketing company; feel free to submit your article with us. We promise to publish them as long as they meet our publishing guidelines, no matter how controversial they might be.