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The 4 Major Fears of Starting Your Own Business That Network Marketing Simply Decimates

Despite a desire to own a business, few people start one due to fear of starting from scratch, lack of capital, time constraints, obstacles, and the need to know where to begin. Network Marketing offers a solution with low investment and part-time commitment.

Back in the 90s, a research firm called MarketWave, Inc. studied around 6000 people who were not and had never been business owners. They had to answer just one simple question; would they ever like to own a business of their own in case all obstacles or hindrances preventing them from starting the business were to be removed? It was a pretty straightforward question asking them whether they would prefer to be a business owner or a worker. A surprisingly high percentage, about 85%, favored owning a business instead of working for someone else. We all know, however, that the reality cannot be any further than this.

Despite wanting to own a business, only a few people ever dare to start one. Most of them stay bound to a 9-5 lifestyle, working for someone else throughout their life. Why though? That was the question we were desperate to find an answer to. There must be some solid reasons for this phenomenon. We decided to find out. What came to our attention right from the start was that while most people fancy the idea of being a business owner, the dreadful feeling of starting on their own and from scratch keeps them away from even trying.

Moreover, their concerns to do with starting a business could broadly be categorized into the following main points:

  • It requires large sums of cash;
  • It requires a lot of time;
  • It is full of obstacles;
  • They didn’t know where to start.

In addition, most people had other situational concerns such as mortgage payments, education loans, a family dependent on them, etc. Many individuals simply said they had lost the game and were past the point of no return. For those who have seen the world of Network Marketing, this is where the fun starts.

When you think about it, Network Marketing allows one to start a business for as low as $500, with just about 10-20 hours of work per week. This also allows most network marketing professionals to stay employed elsewhere and still engage in their business, albeit part-time. This potential of having the safety net of a job or an alternate income while slowly but surely setting up a viable business for yourself makes the Network Marketing industry one of the best.

Imagine retiring early with good, robust monetary security, achieved without putting in large sums of money as traditional businesses would require! That’s what the Networking industry allows you to do and therefore leaves you with no chance to doubt your potential for success or hold back from starting based on these 4 fears.

So, join today’s industry and be a proud and successful Network Marketing professional!

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